I focused on building an offering which provided a robust coverage on all things transportation (energy, safety and policy issues) including data, publications and other references.
The main goal for this project is to take the new and existing feeds we are currently manually ingesting and build them into a new Film Revenue Forecast tool for our Film clients.
In redesigning the Orchard Workstation, my goal was to modernize the Workstation and contribute to our brand identity so that we can attract premium customers and keep them happy.
The goal for orchardZEN was to provide internal users with a client management solution to coordinate and streamline communications with clients. Secondarily, use of this tool would make transparent the frequency of specific requests and the types of requests being handled at any given time.
Led the development of The Orchard's first mobile offering. This mobile analytics tool is centered around providing our clients with their data on-the-go.
Focusing on the very prevalent issues of trolling which in turn was deterring loyal community members from play League of Legends, my case study for Riot Games focused around controlling the behavior of toxic players.
Label auditing is a heavily manually process that requires many people to perform many repetitive tasks over a long period of time. The goal of this project is to have this process automated end-to-end, but launched this functionality in discrete phases so that the automated steps can be incorporated into the existing business process as soon as they become available.
The primary objective of this effort is to monetize MOVIECLIPS.com via advertisements. The first phase focused on critical, high impact features and reducing complexity of the code base. The second phase included the secondary features and modifications based on feedback from phase one.
For the project of redesigning the corporate site, I chose to focus this snippet on the process of directing the design team through to the first iteration of design concepts.